Salivary Lysosomal Exoglycosidases Profiles in Patients with Insulin-Dependent and Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Journal Title: Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine - Year 2013, Vol 22, Issue 5
<strong>Background. </strong>In this study we have investigated the effects of type I (insulin-dependent) and II (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus on the specific activity and the output of salivary exoglycosidases: N-acetyl-β-hexosoaminidase (HEX), and its isoenzymes A and B (HEX A, HEX B), and β-glucuronidase (GLU) in well controlled diabetic patients compared to healthy age-matched controls.<br /><strong>Material and Methods. </strong>In the saliva HEX, HEX A, HEX B and GLU were determined according to Marciniak et al. Protein was determined by the Lowry et al. method.<br /><strong>Results. </strong>Our results show that in the case of type I diabetes, the significantly increased activity of salivary total HEX is mainly due to the significantly increased HEX A specific activity. Significantly increased HEX specific activity in DM II is an outcome of significantly increased HEX A as well as HEX B specific activities in comparison to the appropriate healthy control. Our results showed a significant increase in the specific activity of GLU in saliva of type II diabetes patients. The output of lysosomal exoglycosidases showed a similar significant increase compared to the healthy control, in both groups of diabetes mellitus patients.<br /><strong>Conclusions. </strong>This study has demonstrated that non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus more strongly modify salivary glands glycoconjugates catabolism, which can be attributed to functional and morphological changes. A significant increase in the outputs of exoglycosidases in saliva of both type diabetes patients once more indicates that special attention should be paid to the oral health of these patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Zalewska, Małgorzata Knaś, Marek Niczyporuk, Hady Razak, Napoleon Waszkiewicz, Adrian Przystupa, Danuta Waszkiel, Wiesław Zarzycki
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