Sand play: Speech Development of Preschool Children
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 114
The communicative capability of preschool children plays a significant role in an integrated and multifaceted educational system of children’s development and makes a unique set of individual properties and features which are connected with the speech- related, intellectual, emotional, and creative areas of the individual. If children are isolated from full-fledged communicative interac- tion with others during their preschool years, it has a negative impact on their intellectual and linguistic development. Thus it is very important to study and develop communicative and speech skills from an early age. The search for effective methods to develop communicative competence in preschool children has led to the selection of alternative technologies, in particular the usage of sand therapy, for working with children.
Authors and Affiliations
Z. Matsiuk, M. M. Fenko
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