School curriculum genesis

Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 1


Education is a process in which changes are also reflected on the curriculum level. Transformation of curricula is aimed at increasingly accurate transfer of knowledge and skills to new recipients. Understanding of the origin of curricula may become valuable as long as the history of their formation and development can become a source of inspiration for the creators of new curricula. The paper opens with the presentation of the definition regarding a curriculum. The first educational models originating from ancient times were then presented. Both secular and Christian efforts aiming to develop structures of education and upbringing curricula were shown. Modern concepts of curricula were presented.

Authors and Affiliations

Albert Wołkiewicz


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  • EP ID EP539478
  • DOI 10.25944/pwp.18.4.93100
  • Views 101
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How To Cite

Albert Wołkiewicz (2018). School curriculum genesis. Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki, 4(1), 93-100.