Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children. Dental Clinical Guidance. PART II Defining Needs and Developing a Personal Care Plan. Managing Pain (if present). Caries Prevention.
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2012, Vol 65, Issue 2
The information gathered from the assessment of the child will enable a diagnosis to be formulated. From this, the needs to be addressed and the proposed interventions to manage them can be listed and prioritised into a personal care plan. For any care plan to be successful, it must be tailored to a realistic assessment of the child’s ability to accept treatment and aim to increase the likelihood of behavioural change to improve oral health. In addition, the parent/carer’s support is essential in bringing their child for care and in supervising preventive interventions. Therefore it is crucial to fully discuss and explain the treatment options with the child and parent/carer, before agreeing a proposed care plan and gaining their consent to it. The accepted sequence for planning and providingcare is as follows.
Authors and Affiliations
Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme
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