Security, regulation and competition of the energy market – 2nd National Academic Conference, Łódź, 26 April 2018

Journal Title: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 18


On 26 April 2018, the second National Academic Conference ‘Security, regulation and competition of the energy market’ was held at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź. The Society of Energy Law and Other Infrastructural Sectors of the University of Łódź (hereinafter; NKPEiISI) acted as the main organiser of the Conference.

Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Czuba, Marcin Kraśniewski, Michał Pytkowski


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How To Cite

Mateusz Czuba, Marcin Kraśniewski, Michał Pytkowski (2018). Security, regulation and competition of the energy market – 2nd National Academic Conference, Łódź, 26 April 2018. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 11(18), 329-344.