Seed and raw-material productivity of serratula coronata l. and serratula tinctoria l. In natural habitats


Raw material yield and seed production of medicinal plants species Serratula coronata and Serratula tinctoria in natural habitats of Poltava region have been studied. The values of seed formation coefficient (94.5%, 81.1% respectively) have been determined and its high variability has been showed that is also characteristic for structure of inflorescences, quantitative parameters of lateral shoots. This indicates substantial adaptive possibilities of studied species of Serratula and can be used at introduction of these plants. The number of generative shoots and branches with buds for both species of Serratula are important in the formation of seed production. Up to the fourth year of growth the potential seed production (PSP) and the actual seed production (ASP) increase reaching maximum values. It was found that the yield of S. coronata and S. tinctoria rises from the first to the fourth year of vegetation by increasing the height of plants and the number of generative shoots on the plant individual. The obtained data on raw material yield of S. coronata and S. tinctoria (6.45 kg/m2 and 10.2 kg/m2 of air-dry mass, respectively) ensure the profitability for cultivation of these medicinal plants.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Четверня, Н. Джуренко, О. Паламарчук, В. Грахов


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How To Cite

С. Четверня, Н. Джуренко, О. Паламарчук, В. Грахов (2015). Seed and raw-material productivity of serratula coronata l. and serratula tinctoria l. In natural habitats. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 7(2), 222-228.