Selected sociodemographic and clinical factors as predictors of suicide attempts with particular emphasis on poisoning
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 9
Suicidal tendencies occurring in humans are based on a combination of various factors including the areas of psychopathology, genetics, early life experiences, family and social interactions, stress, physical illness, and neurobiology. To develop methods and models to explain suicidal behavior, it is necessary to consider this problem in all these respects. The incidence of deaths due to suicide in all countries of the world indicates that this is quite commonly occurring adverse phenomenon, characterized modern civilization. According to figures published by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the average rate of deaths due to suicide in the world ranges from 14 cases per 100.000 inhabitants. The vastness of the problem in Poland reflect data from the Police Headquarters. In 2005, there were 5 625 suicide attacks, of which 4.621 resulted in death. In 2008 it was 5.237 suicide attempts – completed 3 967 fatal outcome, while in 2009 the suicide attacks was fatal until 5 913, of which 4.839 involved men and 1,074 women. The most common way to commit suicide is hanging (72%), other popular methods often include: cessation of height (6.9%) and poisoning (4.6%). Self-destructive behaviors for many years are the subject of enormous public interest and evaluation, and numerous studies on the causes of suicide. This article addresses the most common problems associated with suicide, taking into account some burdens on hospital emergency department.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Kulikowska, Iwona Jarocka, Piotr Jakubów, Jerzy Ładny, Marzena Wojewódzka-Żelezniakowicz, Sławomir Czaban
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