Seminarium Pedagogiczne Mariana Massoniusa – między filozofią a pedagogiką
Journal Title: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article concerns the history of teaching pedagogy at academic level in the inter-war period, using the example of Stephen Bathory University in Vilnius. A Pedagogical Seminar functioned at the university, it was managed by Marian Massonius – philosopher, pedagogue, distinguished education activist. Not only due to the common placement of pedagogy in the university structure but also in the curriculum of the seminars of M. Massonius one can see its connection to philosophy. Both the subject undertaken on seminars and proseminars, as well as the scientific books recommended for studies. The didactic and scientific activity of M. Massonius contributed to grounding the place of pedagogy among the other scientific disciplines taught. Thanks to this he prepared the basis for the creation of pedagogy chair which took place in 1938. The text is based on the preserved documentation of seminars and proseminars in the collection of the scholar and printed sources.
Authors and Affiliations
Władysława Szulakiewicz
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