Sentiment analysis on product purchase through e commerce
Journal Title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
Customer Opinions play a very crucial role in daily life. When we have to take a decision, opinions of other individuals are also considered. Now - a - days many of web users post their opinions for many products through blogs, review sites and social networking sites. Business organizations and corporate organizations are always e ager to find consumer or individual views regarding their products, support and service. In e - commerce, online shopping and online tourism, it i s very crucial to analyze the good amount of social data present on the Web automatically therefore, it i s very important to create methods that automatically classify them. Opinion Mining sometimes called as Sentiment Classification is defined as mining and analyzing of reviews, views, emotions and opinions automatically from text, big data and speech by means of v arious methods. Our main theme is to review opinion of customers from online reviews those are posted by customers.
Authors and Affiliations
Sreyasi Rupa De
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