
У статті вперше здійснено комплексний аналіз шевченкознавчої спадщини видатного письменника, літературознавця і видавця, колишнього учня професора С. Смаль-Стоцького – Дмитра Николишина. Акцентовано на його відомій науковій студії «Т. Шевченко. Історичні поеми», в якій автор подає власне наукове інтерпретування творів Т. Шевченка та визначено її місце в історії розвитку українського шевченкознавства. Крім того, виокремлено й громадсько-просвітницьку діяльність Д. Николишина, яка стосувалася осмислення й популяризування Шевченкових ідей на західноукраїнських землях в першій третині ХХ століття. This article highlights the problem of a complex analysis of Shevchenko studies heritage of Dmytro Nykolyshyn, outstanding writer, literary critic and publisher, former student of professor Smal-Stotsky. Emphasis is placed on his famous scientific study “T. Shevchenko. Historical poems”, which can be found in two editions and in which the author presents his own scientific interpretation of Shevchenko’s poems. In particular, historical and literary work of D. Nykolyshyn, 1914 and 1921 years edition conditionally consists of two parts from a viewpoint of content and composite structures: a scientific apparatus is presented in the first part of work; the second part contains Shevchenko’s poems. For example, 1914 edition is a bit simplified. In five main chapters (“Which historical poems are written by Shevchenko and when was it”, “In which sources Shevchenko found historical information”, “How did Shevchenko imagine Cossack-dom?”, “Historical basis of poems”, “Notes to some poems”) the author presented his own understanding and interpretation of eight Shevchenko’s historical themes poems: “Ivan Pidkova”, “Gamalia”, “The night of Taras”, “The election of hetman” (“On Sunday sacred”) (actually Shevchenko’s title - “On Sunday sacred”), “Doroshenko’s surrender” (“Black cloud covered white one”) (Shevchenko’s title - “Black cloud covered white one”), “Irzhavets”, “Monk”, “Seamstress”, moreover he called all of these compositions poems, even poetry “Ivan Pidkova”, “On Sunday sacred”, “Seamstress”. The second edition of this work (1921) generally duplicates a previous one, however the author supplements it with expanded commentary to mentioned compositions above and adds two more – poetry “In captivity sometimes I remember” and poem “Captives”. The author also made amendments in the scientific part of work. Instead of a chapter “How did Shevchenko imagine Cossack-dom?” he put on last position “General view of Shevchenko’s historical poems”. In conclusion, in this work author finds out influence question and source base, which allowed him to make and establish a rehash of historical truth, which had a lot of disputed issues. D. Nykolyshyn also examines issues of historical foundations of Shevchenko's poems. In particular, he took part in social and educational activities, has traditionally supported events of poet’s commemoration, delivered speeches dedicated to Shevchenko's creativity. In conclusion, it is proved that D. Nykolyshyn’s materials of Shevchenko studies are united by one theme; its core is the author’s justification of causing primordial predicament of Ukraine in the context of European space. Accordingly, scientific and public-educational activities of D. Nykolyshyn are mainly concentrated in understanding and popularization Shevchenko’s ideas on Western Ukraine in the first third of the 20th century.

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Melenchuk


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Olga Melenchuk (2017). ШЕВЧЕНКОЗНАВЧІ СТУДІЇ ДМИТРА НИКОЛИШИНА. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 32-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432132