Signs and symptoms of dehydration in the elderly
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 10
Evaluation of the hydration status is probably the most difficult task in clinical examination.The clinical and objective determinations of hydration status frequently differ. Theintracellular water volume remains stable when the acute water deficit is less than 2% ofbody weight (BW), and in the supine position dehydration of less than 5% may by clinicallyundetectable. Hypovolaemia ensues only from the mild-to-lethal dehydration, and thesigns and symptoms of each are frequently wildly mixed up by the doctors. Signs of dehydrationin the elderly precede the nonspecific symptoms, with the exception of thirst, whichreaches maximum at water deficit of 1%, and is often suppressed by ageing, medication orboth. The early detection of dehydration in the elderly is vital to prevent hypovolaemia andhealth deterioration and should be made by the caregivers, family members or medicalprofessionals. The signs and symptoms can also help in water deficit quantitative evaluationwhich may support taking decision as to the proper intervention. The author detailsthe pathophysiological background and the dehydration staging, to serve this purpose.
Authors and Affiliations
Ryszard Gellert
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