Simulation game - a powerful tool helping in project management optimization process

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2011, Vol 10, Issue 1


The IT industry has noted a huge growth during the last decade. The number of developed project and level of theirs complexity is constantly increasing. Despite the availability of advanced technology, the percentage of projects completed within the set deadline, budget and meeting all customer requirements remains unsatisfactory. In April 2009, the Standish Group published CHAOS Report. In 2009, only 32% of projects have been successfully accomplished, 24% of the projects was a failure. According to numerous publications and personal observations: the source of most of the problems are not tools nor technology but people. To find a solution to at least some of the problems, the researches are constantly trying to create new efficient methodologies and improve existing ones. Agile methodologies (SCRUM, Lean, Kanban, etc.) and improvements in PMI, Prince2 are the results of this work. Simulation game might be used to improve the optimization process. The game is a form of competition between people. It is an example of a heterogeneous simulation model. Elements of the model are the participants, the model of the system and game scenario. [E. Radosiński, Komputerowe gry ekonomiczne p. 8] Game mechanics (the rules) can be adapted to the specific needs of the team. The players take on the defined roles and carry out the goals (private ones or the team ones) during the game. The goal of the game is to make the optimization process more efficient: the current procedures are analyzed during the first phase - participants should use the current procedures to achieve their goals. In next stage they should work on improving existing procedures or design new ones. In the final stage they should use new procedures and verify the new process. To illustrate the usage of simulation game in the optimization process, an example of introducing SCRUM, agile methodology, in the team developing IT projects is described.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Konieczny


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How To Cite

Monika Konieczny (2011). Simulation game - a powerful tool helping in project management optimization process. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 10(1), 134-145.