Skarb monet z XV–XVII wieku z Lublina

Journal Title: Studia i Materiały Lubelskie - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue


Lublin hoard of 15th–17th century coins In the collection of Lublin Museum the hoard is stored of 521 coins, Polish and foreign, from the 15th–17th centuries. The treasure was hidden in Lublin after 1625, near a large pond beneath the Royal Castle, probably in the vicinity of a paper mill. The hide was discovered in 1949, and is composed of low-denomination coins of smallest value. Polish coins prevail (70.8%) consisting of the subsequent emissions of the Jagiellonian dynasty (1386–1572), with the exception of the reigns of Władysława Warneńczyka (1434–1444), Stefan Batory (1576–1586) and Sigismund III Vasa (1587–1632). Foreign coins amount to 29.2% of the composition of the treasure. They originate in the member states and the territories of the German Reich: Western Pomerania (2%), Silesia (7.3%), the Czech Republic (0.2%), Styria (0.2%), Switzerland (0.6%), and numerous mints of German rulers of the laity, the Church and cities (15.3%). There are also non-Reich coins – of the Teutonic Knights (0.2%), and Prussia fiefdoms (2.7%), Hungarian (0.4%), Transylvanian (0.4 percent). The treasure of Lublin reveals a complex structure of monetary mass of small denominations in the Crown in the first quarter of the 17th century, shaped by chronologically diverse native and foreign emissions from 15th–17th century. But it should be noted that the composition of the Lublin find does not expose the money market conditions in the Crown of the beginning of the second quarter of 17th century. This view is supported by a relatively significant part of 15th and 16th century Jagiellonian issues (33.5%), 16th-century coins from Swidnik (3.6%) and Prussian (2.7%), and by a relatively small proportion of Sigismund III Vasa coins (36.8%). The distribution of emissions of this nature is representative for older treasures, hidden for protectionin the first decade of the 17th century.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Markiewicz


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How To Cite

Tomasz Markiewicz (2015). Skarb monet z XV–XVII wieku z Lublina. Studia i Materiały Lubelskie, 18(), 59-119.