Skład chemiczny osadów organicznych ze stanowiska Koźmin Las

Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2014, Vol 102, Issue 102


The chemical composition of organic deposits from the site Koźmin Las are the basis of reconstruction of environment conditions of the Warta River valley at the end of the Alleröd and in the Younger Dryas. Environmental archives presented in this study, comprise organic matter content, mineral matter content, calcium carbonate content, reaction and macro- (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn) and microelements (Cu, Zn and Pb). The sorption of metals by organic matter and hydrated iron oxides, clay minerals accumulation variability in depositional environment, water relations of the ecosystem and bioaccumulation of some elements are the factors determining the chemical composition of organic sediments in the Warta river valley.

Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Okupny, Ryszard Borówka, Julita Tomkowiak, Anna Fortuniak


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How To Cite

Daniel Okupny, Ryszard Borówka, Julita Tomkowiak, Anna Fortuniak (2014). Skład chemiczny osadów organicznych ze stanowiska Koźmin Las. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 102(102), 71-86.