Social Classes in the Political Sphere: Support for and Trust in Parties


Using the data of the Monitoring social survey of the Institute of Sociology of the NASU, the European Social Survey and a number of targeted studies of the working and middle classes, the author gives an empirically substantiated answer to the question: which of the social classes and to what extent are involved in political processes in Ukraine. The basic indicators of political and ideological consolidation of the classes are as follows: membership rate of their representatives in political parties, considered in temporal and comparative perspectives; class differences in the distribution of supporters of different political and ideological currents; level of trust in political parties displayed by representatives of different classes; their evaluation of the parties’ effectiveness in representing the interests of certain classes. For each of these indicators, class differences have been recorded. Thus, representatives of the service class and (especially) small and medium-sized owners are characterised by a higher rate of political party membership, sympathy for parties and politicians and trust in them, less “left-wing” ideological self-identification than those belonging to the working class and routine non-manual workers. However, employees and small business owners do not perceive political parties as effective tools for promoting and protecting their interests, as evidenced by an extremely low rate of party membership and very low trust in them among representatives of these classes. The existing parties are viewed rather as creations of the class of large employers, which uses them effectively to achieve its own goals and manipulate the other classes.

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How To Cite

ELENA SIMONCHUK (2018). Social Classes in the Political Sphere: Support for and Trust in Parties. Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг, 2(), 64-96.