Social-Didactic Projection of Innovative Education (Self-Education) at High School as a Challenge of the Knowledge Society

Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 2


Projection of innovative education (self-education) at high school is approached in this article as a social-didactic task, presupposed by the new modern knowledge society. A social-didactical necessity of innovative education (self-education), its essence, components and prerequisites are revealed. Projection is based upon a new conception of education (self-education) as a process, oriented towards much wider social-didactic context than teaching (learning) of subjects. The conditions for choosing the necessary pedagogic technologies for the projection of innovative education (self-education) are analysed. The conclusions and recommendations for projection of innovative education (self-education) at high school are formulated. Conclusions and recommendations 1. The main principle of innovative education is a new world outlook of a teacher, based on making such pedagogic decisions, in which there is a clear tolerance towards a different opinion and the formation of responsibility for the actions. 2. Projection of innovative education (self-education) is based upon the following dimensions: pedagogic technology, formulation of the goals, oriented towards the student’s social-cognitive self-expression, the concepts of the management of characteristics of knowledge creation processes and autonomy. 3. The following sequence of actions is characteristic of this process: • the description of the process of the goals of planned results of teaching (learning); • the search for teacher‘s and student‘s individual actions in justice to synergetic elements of pedagogic system; • the rejection of the actions of narrow subject-methodical character and the shift to pedagogic technologies, the basis of which is a processual, dynamic and creative character of teaching (learning); • orientation not to an individual teaching subject, but to the shift of students‘ activities and versatility of teaching (learning) modes, not to the pursuing of one goal, but to the universality of teaching materials and modes of studies. 4. On purpose to optimise the projection of the process of innovative education (self-education) it is necessary to decide on the ways of the activation of student’s cognitive activities, moving the main stress to the role of a teacher, a manager and teaching (learning) director, the organisation of the ways of activation of students’ cognitive activities. 5. To offer the students practical and true-life significant information and take care of students‘ integration into the processes of knowledge construction, not to knowledge interception. To use information as the means, which stimulates students‘ cognitive activity, not as a goal of activity. To create conditions for students to become the subject of activity, who perceives his/her social-cognitive improvement as a primary goal of studies at high school.

Authors and Affiliations

Šedžiuvienė Natalija


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How To Cite

Šedžiuvienė Natalija (2006). Social-Didactic Projection of Innovative Education (Self-Education) at High School as a Challenge of the Knowledge Society . Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika, 2(2), 75-82.