Solutions for Diagnosing Faults in Asynchronous Motor Stator Through a Ferrofluid Installation


Due to their reliability, robustness and multitude of variants of motors, electric machines are commonly used in industrial drives. Although they are relatively simple pieces of equipment, asynchronous motors can sometimes malfunction because of various reasons. Whether it is a problem in the supply network (lack of a phase, wrong phase sequence, different phase voltages, etc.) or an internal fault in the stator winding (interrupted winding, reversing the winding so that it begins with the end, shortened coils, etc.) motors diagnosis was a constant concern among specialists. Although a number of classic solutions are known, generally pertaining to the type of defect assumed, this paper proposes a completely new approach applicable to all types of anomalies that may occur in the functioning of these engines.

Authors and Affiliations

Ovidiu-Magdin ȚANȚA, Adrian-Neculai ROMANESCU, Mihai CENUȘĂ, Ilie NIȚAN, Mihaela POIENAR


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How To Cite

Ovidiu-Magdin ȚANȚA, Adrian-Neculai ROMANESCU, Mihai CENUȘĂ, Ilie NIȚAN, Mihaela POIENAR (2015). Solutions for Diagnosing Faults in Asynchronous Motor Stator Through a Ferrofluid Installation. Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati. Fascicula IX, Metalurgie si Stiinta Materialelor, 38(2), 51-56.