Some aspects of the application of the article 3641 of the Сriminal code of Ukraine
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 32
The article deals with the criminal liability of official legal entities of private law, irrespective of organizational and legal form in the case when the person who is charged with a criminal offence acts as the founder (the owner) and the head of the enterprise at the same time. By systematic interpretation of the legislation, the author gives the definition of the official entity of private law, irrespective of organizational and legal forms. It was pointed out by the legislator about the unequal determination in various acts of the same provisions and the lack of a unified approach to the use of the terms «functions» and «duties» of the official. Analyzed on the example of different organizational and legal forms of entity of private law the ability to perform administrative and commercial duties, organizational and regulatory duties by a person who acts as the founder (the owner) and the head of the enterprise at the same time. It was established that such a person always performs administrative and commercial duties, because any company of private form of ownership has owned statutory fund, which means a separate property, and the person rules this property. Organizational and regulatory duties work when the founder (the owner) and the head of the enterprise at the same time can perform only in the case of existence of hired employees.
Authors and Affiliations
R. M. Gora
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