Sonantic coefficient as a prominence factor in a phonic chord: a retrospective.
Journal Title: Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 71
This article considers the role of Saussure’s concept of sonantic coeffi cient (1878) in the diachronic development of PIE liquid and nasal sonants. Saussure viewed the concept as the elusive ability of some sounds to behave as a vowel or consonant. In this regard, he writes that “L’i et l’u de ces racines [that is, containing e], ainsi que la liquide et la nasale des racines telles que derk bendh, peuvent prendre le nom de coeffi cient sonantique. Ils concurrent au vocalisme de la racine. Suivant que l’e persiste ou disparaît, leur function varie : r, l, m, n de consonnes deviennent sonantes, i et u passent de l’état symphtongue à l’état autophthongue” (Saussure 1879: 8). The discussion traces some of the phonological aspects of PIE sonants through the Neogrammarian oeuvre of Ferdinand de Saussure and the structural perspective of Ludwik Zabrocki. The second part synopsizes insights into Slavic developments of sonants. The focus of the discussion is put on the parallelism in diachronic development, which gives additional justifi cation to a panchronic and developmental perspective on linguistic investiga- tion (cf. Pociechina 2009; Kardela 2011).
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak
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