The boundaries of linguistic interpretation – myth or reality?

Journal Title: Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 72


The question of determining the boundaries of linguistic interpretation may be reduced to the following sub-problems: a) outlining the horizons of the subject-matter of linguistics; b) outlining the horizons of linguistics as such, or to put it more broadly, scientific enterprise. Relation between a) and b) is of inclusive nature, i.e. the way the said horizons are to be outlined is related to the manner of discussing boundaries as such, either as real or mythical entity. The psychological reality of the „myth” or „reality” emerges somewhat indirectly through the approach adopted by a scholar or scientist with respect to the boundaries of the discipline in which they work, and consequently, the boundaries of the subject-matter within the scope of which they formulate academic statements. Linguists who incline to treat the abovementioned boundaries as mythical would rather aim at integrating linguistics with the related disciplines, whereas linguists opting for „the reality” of boundaries will rather aim at a clear delineation of linguistics as an autonomous discipline from among other fields of enterprise. The fundamental issue that arises is whether there exists any common methodological ground for the description of language that would be relevant to both „hetero-„ and „homo-linguists”, respectively? Hypothetically, the answer to that query may be searched for in explorations of the „common” metadiscursive tools, with a clear referential frame (preferably of epistemological-ontological provenance) ‘clasping’ the discussion about language.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kuźniak


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How To Cite

Marek Kuźniak (2016). The boundaries of linguistic interpretation – myth or reality?. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego, 0(72), 37-48.