Sovyet Postmodernizminin Karşılaştırmalı Tipolojisi Üzerine Notlar (Rus, Azerbaycan ve Türk Postmodernizminden) Remarks on the Comparative Typology of the Soviet Postmodernism (From The Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish Postmodernism)

Journal Title: Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 47


The literary productions yielded after the collapse of the Soviet Union headed towards different directions in the former-Soviet geography. After the end of a period in which the literary themes and subjects were reppressed, literature which has found a much more unrestricted and vast scope recognizes many West-originated movements and trends, and gets in contact with them. Postmodernism has become prominent among the movements developed during the post-Soviet literature. The post-Soviet literature, which makes use of the facilities of the newly-adapted postmodernism by protecting its authenticity, finds itself in a vast geography and in great thematic capacities. From the holistic sense, the impact of the postmodernism observed after the Soviet period differs from the Soviet tradition and literature within the context of literary style and it becomes to be accepted as an initiator of innovation. In this study, wherein the Soviet postmodernism is analysed through its sources and indicators, the historical typology, research methodology and scientific data of the postmodernism, which is one of the genuine movements of the literature of the post-Soviet period, are analyzed. This tendency is related to the literary and social processes within the society during the Soviet and post-Soviet era. One of the primary indicators that separates the post-Soviet literary experience of the Azerbaijani and Russian postmodernism from Western examples is that Soviet totalirian thought was against the freedoms regarding the social rules and intellectual products. It can also be proposed that Turkish literarure has developed as a national variant of postmodernism. Turkish postmodernism represents an in-between position and a synthesis of the east and west models of this literary movement. This study aims to comparatively analyze the postmodern elements of Azarbaijani, Russian and Turkish literatures.

Authors and Affiliations

Tamilla Aliyeva


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  • EP ID EP669800
  • DOI 10.24155/tdk.2019.96
  • Views 362
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How To Cite

Tamilla Aliyeva (2019). Sovyet Postmodernizminin Karşılaştırmalı Tipolojisi Üzerine Notlar (Rus, Azerbaycan ve Türk Postmodernizminden) Remarks on the Comparative Typology of the Soviet Postmodernism (From The Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish Postmodernism). Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 1(47), 23-34.