Journal Title: International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1
Speech action, which is an activity based on sound and which provides communication between people, is one of the basic skills of Turkish education. The development of this skill is always important as Turkish lessons are based on the principle of correct, effective and beautiful use of the main language. In this study, Turkish lesson teacher guide books were examined in terms of speaking education. The research is modeled on the document study which is one of qualitative study methods. Data are obtained through Turkish lesson teacher guide books (6th, 7th and 8th grades) which are connected with the academic year 2013-2014 Education - Teaching in the schools affiliated to MEB. In the teacher guide books examined, it has been determined that some aims and achievements, methods and techniques are often given where as some rarely given. "Prepared speaking" in 6th and 7th grade textbooks, and "Applying speaking rules" in 8th grade teacher guide books are the most repeated goals. About methods and techniques methods of persuasive speech, method of speaking by putting himself in the face of, free speech method (7th grade); critical speaking, memory retention techniques (8th grade) are practices which are not found in the teacher guide books. In terms of evaluation, books have similar characteristics; students will be able to evaluate both themselves and their peers. In addition to this, all books contain the forms that must be filled in by teachers and students at the end of each theme; evaluations are usually in written form. As a result, a balanced distribution of goals and achievements, methods and techniques should be included in the comprehension of speaking skills, and verbal practices should be utilized in evaluation studies.
Authors and Affiliations
Hayrettin AYAZ, Yıldız YENEN AVCI
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