Species diversity and ecological features of phytoseid mites (Рarasitiformes, Рhytoseiidae) in plant associations of Vinogradiv (Transcarpathian region)


The article represents the researches results of the species composition of fitoseyidmites in plant associations in Vynogradiv (Transcarpathian region). There searched species of mites were collected during spring-summer 2015.Samples were taken from trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the city park along the road, the abandoned gardens. During the researches the occurrence species index (Іs ), the domination index(Di), as well as affinity to species were defined.51 samples were collected on the researched territory, 44 from which contained phytoceyidmites. In total 20 species of plants were researched. As the result of researches the species composition and peculiarities of distribution of fitoseyid mites in plant associations in Vynogradiv were defined.There are 8 species of 7 families of mites detected on the researched territory: Typhloctonusaceri Collyer, 1957, Amblyseiusandersoni Chart, 1975, Euseiusfinlandicus Oudermans, 1915, Typhloctonustiliarum Oudemans, 1930, Kampimodromusaberrans Oudermans, 1930, Typhlodromuscotoneastri Wainsrein, 1961, Amblydromella (s. str.) rhenana Oudemans, 1905, Neoseiulusreductus Wainstein, 1962. Itisfound that E. finlandicusand A. rhenana have the the highest occurrence index inplantassociationsinVynogradiv. T. aceri and N.reductus have the lowest rate index of occurrence. According to the mite occurrence index in Vynogradiv the species are divided on those which exceed the level of 10% (E. finlandicus, A. rhenana, K. aberrans,A. andersoni) and species with occurrence between 1% and 10% (T.cotoneastri,T. tiliarum, T. aceriandN. Reductus). It was detected that E. finlandicus (16 species) inhabited the highest quantity of speies. A. rhenana та N. reductus occurred on one plant species. The results of researches showed that two species had the status of dominants: E. finlandicusandA. rhenana.K. aberransand A. ander soni have subdominant status. T. cotoneastri and T. tiliaru have the status of first-order dominants. T. aceriand N. Reductus are the secondary members of the complex.Established biotastove affinity types in the territory of studies.

Authors and Affiliations

К. Штимак


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How To Cite

К. Штимак (2016). Species diversity and ecological features of phytoseid mites (Рarasitiformes, Рhytoseiidae) in plant associations of Vinogradiv (Transcarpathian region). Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 8(1), 66-70. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-178145