This short analysis of Karl Dedecius’ work and especially of his translations and german-language edition of Zbigniew Herbert’s Cogito-poems focuses on aspects of a kind of literary translation that might be described as...
(2016). Spis tresci. OderÜbersetzen, 5(), 2-3. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-188835
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In der fremden Sprache leben
Translator redivivus. O pożytkach z biografii tłumacza
Romantyk i dykcjonariusz
Die Botschaft eines Buches – Anmerkungen zum imperialen Übersetzen am Beispiel von Zbigniew Herberts "Herr Cogito"
This short analysis of Karl Dedecius’ work and especially of his translations and german-language edition of Zbigniew Herbert’s Cogito-poems focuses on aspects of a kind of literary translation that might be described as...
Poetyka przekładu literackiego