Introduction: Soccer players are injury prone, and increasing competition - especially at the highest level - leads
to increasing training loads, and these may contribute to more injuries to players. Hence, the aim is to...
Introduction: There are five basic types of sensation: vibration, poses, gentle touch, pain and temperature. The literature says that to study gentle sensation can be used cotton ball or finger. It is important that the...
Only a small number of studies draw attention to the relationship between body image after pregnancy and
during lactation with the decision to undertake and continue breastfeeding. Body image is a complex mental
Soccer players' injuries at different levels of the sport/ Kontuzje piłkarzy nożnych o różnym poziomie zaawansowania sportowego
Introduction: Soccer players are injury prone, and increasing competition - especially at the highest level - leads to increasing training loads, and these may contribute to more injuries to players. Hence, the aim is to...
Measurement and analysis of the gentle touch sensation in healthy people according to the author's test algorithm
Introduction: There are five basic types of sensation: vibration, poses, gentle touch, pain and temperature. The literature says that to study gentle sensation can be used cotton ball or finger. It is important that the...
Strategie pisania podań o dotacje badań dla młodych pracowników nauki: z perspektywy amerykańskiego uniwersytetu publicznego
Ocena higienicznych warunków pracy lekarzy położników-ginekologów
Women’s body image and breastfeeding/ Obraz ciała kobiet a karmienie piersią
Only a small number of studies draw attention to the relationship between body image after pregnancy and during lactation with the decision to undertake and continue breastfeeding. Body image is a complex mental construc...