Społeczno-religijna rola pierwszych parafii na obszarze dzisiejszej Suwalszczyzny

Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 3


This work concerns the contemporary area of the Suwałki region. In 1784 there were Roman Catholic parishes: Bakałarzewo, Filipów, Jeleniewo, Przerośl, Raczki, Suwałki, Wiżajny and probably Wigry (Magdalenowo). There was also part of the parish Lubowo and then Kaletnik. The main objective of this study is to answer the question of what role the oldest parishes of the region played for the inhabitants of the Polish-Lithuanian and Prussian states and their for the country's security. An attempt was made to characterize the importance of the borderland in the Christianization activity. The first permanent settlement began here at the beginning of the 16th century. The oldest Roman Catholic parish is Bakałarzewo (1520). Between 1562 and 1570, the Filipów and Przerośl parishes were established. In 1599, the Raczki parish was established. The turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is also the time when the Wiżajny parish was founded. In 1541, in the village of Dowspuda near Raczki, there was also an Orthodox chapel. The Camaldolese of Wigry played a major role here (from 1668). They built temples in: Wigry, Magdalenowo and Suwałki (after 1710). Between 1772 and 1785, the Jeleniewo parish was developed, and in the years 1790-1794 – the Kaletnik parish. At that time, parish priests played a huge role, as they were able to write and read as few. Catholic churches near the border with Prussia strengthened the security of the state and the religiousness of the Catholics from Prussia. Only in churches, old people could get to know paintings or sculptures. Associations were active at the churches. The parishes supported Polish patriotism. Belfries were announced by important events, and parish cemeteries made it possible to organize funerals. Only parishes helped the poor and ran schools.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Naruszewicz


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  • EP ID EP651164
  • DOI 10.32090/SE.210316
  • Views 101
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How To Cite

Tomasz Naruszewicz (2019). Społeczno-religijna rola pierwszych parafii na obszarze dzisiejszej Suwalszczyzny. Studia Ełckie, 21(3), 343-361. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-651164