The article deals with the problem of coping with difficult situations by students with visualimpairments in the context of their social competence. The results obtained reveal that universitystudents clearly prefer a ta...
The article deals with the issue of readiness for career planning in students who are about tograduate from high school. This paper is a report on comparative research on students with motordisabilities and nondisabled s...
The article reflects on present differences in the interpretation of such terms as multiple disabilities,complex disability, compound disability and multi-frequency disabilities. These reflectionsare also related to the...
Joanna Smogorzewska (2013). Sprawozdanie z konferencja TASH, 28 listopada – 1 grudnia
2012, Long Beach, Kalifornia, USA. Men Disability Society, 2(20),
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Coping strategies and social competence of students with visual impairments
The article deals with the problem of coping with difficult situations by students with visualimpairments in the context of their social competence. The results obtained reveal that universitystudents clearly prefer a ta...
Adolescents’ readiness for career planning. A comparative analysis of students with motor disabilities and nondisabled students
The article deals with the issue of readiness for career planning in students who are about tograduate from high school. This paper is a report on comparative research on students with motordisabilities and nondisabled s...
Report on the all-Poland scientific conference Child-Youth-Family as the target audience of psycho-pedagogical and social support.Poznań, October 23, 2012
Pedagogical factors that determine special education and therapy for persons with multiple disabilities
The article reflects on present differences in the interpretation of such terms as multiple disabilities,complex disability, compound disability and multi-frequency disabilities. These reflectionsare also related to the...
Wendy Fitzgibbon (2012). Probation and Social Work on Trial. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan