St. Anne’s prebend in Małogoszcz in the mid-nineteenth century

Journal Title: Przegląd Nauk Historycznych - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The publication discusses the salary, appearance and condition of residential and commercial buildings as well as the size of the inventory of the living prebiage of St. Anna in Małogoszcz in the mid-nineteenth century. The source of information used by the author is a fundi instructi inventory of the parish church in Małogoszcz, drawn up on July 5/17, 1856 after the death of the local parish priest, Father Tomasz Świątkowski, stored in the Diocesan Archive in Kielce. The document was recorded in Polish on sheets of paper of a size similar to A4, written on both sides, numbered from 1 to 77 (currently sheets 41–79). The writing is legible, clear, with only a handful of amendments to the text. The tally was carried out by a commission composed of representatives of laity and clergy: the Dean of Kielce, Fr. Stanisław Zygmuntowicz, the newly elected parish priest Fr. Nestor Bieroński, the mayor of Małogoszcz Karol Syktowski, the president of the church supervising body Jan Mieszkowski and two of its members – Jan Saski and Józef Wodzyński. It was signed and authenticated with a seal on July 11/23, 1856 by an unknown Deputy Head of the Kielce county.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Karkocha


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  • EP ID EP495848
  • DOI 10.18778/1644-857X.17.03.11
  • Views 58
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How To Cite

Małgorzata Karkocha (2018). St. Anne’s prebend in Małogoszcz in the mid-nineteenth century. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych, 0(3), 271-283.