Stances in Conducting ESP Needs Analysis:


Needs analysis (NA) has proved to be a fundamental practice since the emergence of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the 1960s. Based on findings of NA, short time courses with a reasonable cost were catered to meet learners‟ needs on the job (Hutchinson and Waters; 1987). In the ESP course, researchers have sought to include register, discourse, language skills, content and tasks required in a specific domain. Eventually, NA has gone through multiple developmental stages which can be classified under each of theses trends: analyzing the target situation, anlysing the present situation, or the two situations together. In each new approach, researchers and practitioners have tried to reveal the utility of considering new variables and look at NA from different perspectives. This work provides an overview of the main approaches that contributed to the advancement of NA. At the end of this review, we contend that all these approaches have proved to be complementary and have had a positive impact on ESP practices. Today researchers can stand at any point of the spectrum of needs analysis at their convenience and choose from a variety of NA approaches or use a combination of different approaches which better serve their objectives and their customers‟needs.

Authors and Affiliations

Hajer Zarrouk (PhD)


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How To Cite

Hajer Zarrouk (PhD) (2018). Stances in Conducting ESP Needs Analysis:. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(1), 7-12.