State of development of the problem of struggle problems in the sphere of building objects of real estate.
Journal Title: Прикарпатський юридичний вісник - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 1
In this article the author states that the sphere of both the primary and secondary real estate markets at different times became the object of close attention of scientists of different branches of knowledge. Some paid attention to the issues of legislative regulation of legal relations and the mechanism of realization of the state policy concerning the circulation of real estate, including its construction. Others directed efforts to prevent crime in this area and to identify ways and means of combating unlawful manifestations. The third in their scholarly works tried to carry out a criminal analysis of such acts and to determine which ones fall under the signs of acts provided for in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and which are subject to civil liability. Other scholars have initiated the foundations of the methodology for investigating fraud in its various manifestations, including those associated with the acquisition of real estate in the primary and secondary markets. It is emphasized that the works focusing on the methods of investigating fraud involving the investment of funds in the construction of real estate are mainly devoted to the investigation of fraud in various areas, and fraudulent manifestations in the field of construction were considered in them fragmentarily or in general. The research work on the subject of real estate-related fraud mainly concerned private housing, which largely covered the actions of fraudsters in the secondary housing market. It is concluded that a significant number of issues related to fraud investigations related to investment in construction costs remain unheeded. Therefore, today in the practical activities in this direction there is a range of issues that require a thorough and comprehensive study.
Authors and Affiliations
С. С. Кузьменко
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