Static and Fatigue Strength of Linear Textile Products

Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 3


This publication is a review of the work directed or inspired by the late Professor Andrzej Włochowicz in comparison to the current state of knowledge, and developed by his colleagues as an expression of memory and recognition of the contribution that he made to research on the strength of linear textile products. The article describes issues related to the fatigue strength of yarns. An analysis of literature related to the development of research on fatigue strength was carried out, and quantities describing load cycles and selected cases of periodically variable states of loads are presented. The article attempts to systematise certain problems related to the fatigue of textile materials. The body of the article presents the state of knowledge as well as the manner and the methods of assessment of the fatigue strength of textile materials.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Włochowicz , Sławomir Kukla , Robert Drobina


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  • EP ID EP143686
  • DOI 10.5604/12303666.1196606
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How To Cite

Andrzej Włochowicz, Sławomir Kukla, Robert Drobina (2016). Static and Fatigue Strength of Linear Textile Products. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 24(3), 8-16.