Storability of the Resultant Seeds from Higher and Normal Temperture Regimes by Accelerated Ageing


Our various initiatives to transgress the yield barriers are impeded, by high temperature stress. Being grown in narrow temperature range, a slight increase in the temperature will drastically reduce the yield of rice. Studies have been conducted on the influence of high temperature on reproductive phase and seed yield of rice. Storability due to difference in temperature of production area is less explored. Hence, the present investigation was carried out by harvesting five rice varieties viz., MDU 5, ASD 16, CO 51, Anna (R) 4 and ADT 43 from two temperature regimes-high (summer, 2016) and normal (rabi, 2016) and by subjecting the seeds to accelerated ageing. There was significant influence of temperature on germination and seedling vigour. The physiological quality parameters along with the enzyme activities were reduced rapidly, with the advance in ageing period. The rate of deterioration was more in seeds obtained from higher temperature regime

Authors and Affiliations

Anil Sebastian, Selvaraju. P


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How To Cite

Anil Sebastian, Selvaraju. P (2017). Storability of the Resultant Seeds from Higher and Normal Temperture Regimes by Accelerated Ageing. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 7(6), 411-418.