Stosunek Państwo – Kościół Prawosławny w Polsce w XX wieku. Zarys historyczny


The Orthodox Christian community has always lived in Poland. Throughout the ages, the relations between the authorities and the Orthodox Church have had its ups and downs. Yet it is absolutely clear that the Orthodox Poles have played and still play a crucial role in the history of our country. The position of the Polish State toward the Orthodox community often had an aggressive nature, resulting in the destruction of temples or mass displacement, yet there were historical signs of hostility of the Orthodox Church towards State authorities. It is safe to say that the 20th century was the harshest time for the Orthodox community living in Poland.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Fiedoruk


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How To Cite

Piotr Fiedoruk (2018). Stosunek Państwo – Kościół Prawosławny w Polsce w XX wieku. Zarys historyczny. Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна), 5(), 322-344.