Struktura predykatowo-argumentowa bułgarskich czasowników poliprefiksalnych (na przykładzie verba mentalis)
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The modern Bulgarian language is characterized by a tendency to create polyprefixal verbs that are characteristic carrier of expression in the ordinary language. The question then arises: does a formal degree of formative structure complexity of such units is reflected in the their semantic structure? In order to answer this question it was necessary to conduct an analysis of predicate-argument structure of the polyprefixal verbs, belonging to verba mentalis class. Studies have shown that all the analyzed polyprefixal verbs create a very similar sentence structures. Against the background of other verba mentalis they are distinguished by very high frequency the occurrence of independent elements having a pleonastic value with verbum.
Authors and Affiliations
Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska
Struktura predykatowo-argumentowa bułgarskich czasowników poliprefiksalnych (na przykładzie verba mentalis)
The modern Bulgarian language is characterized by a tendency to create polyprefixal verbs that are characteristic carrier of expression in the ordinary language. The question then arises: does a formal degree of formativ...
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