Student as a beneficiary of internship programs funded by the European Union
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2018, Vol 30, Issue 4
Requirements for university graduates defined by employers in times of dynamic changes and challenges of the market, the need to adapt the knowledge, skills and competences of students and graduates to the needs of companies constitute new challenges for universities in the area of cooperation with business. The student is becoming more and more often the beneficiary of internship projects financed from various sources, not just with companies’ own funds, but also supported with funds from the European Union. The article presents the perspective of the student as a direct beneficiary of internship projects carried out by universities and employers and attempts to create a recommendation for entities carrying out internship projects aimed at achieving high levels of satisfaction among all project participants.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Sojkin, Sylwia Michalak
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