Sugar Acid Neutraliser™ – new proposal for the reduction of dental caries
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2015, Vol 68, Issue 2
Introduction. Caries is regarded as a social disease because it affects almost 100% of the human population. Over the past few years, global increase in the incidence of caries in all age groups has been observed. As a consequence, new technologies are needed to help improve the efficiency of caries prevention at low cost. One of the recently proposed solutions involves enhancing toothpastes with Sugar Acid Neutraliser[sup]TM[/sup]. Aim of the study. To perform a systematic review of literature concerning the Sugar Acid Neutraliser[sup]TM[/sup]. Methods. Data were gathered using Medline and other available literature sources. The search was based on such factors as caries, biofilm, physicochemical properties of saliva, arginine and Sugar Acid Neutraliser[sup]TM[/sup] technology. Conclusion. The underlying idea in this approach is to complement the anticariogenic action of fluorine. The use of arginine allows promoting remineralization and leads to a more significant reduction in demineralization than can be achieved by F- ions alone. The results of the present study show that a toothpaste containing Sugar Acid Neutraliser[sup]TM[/sup] is 20% more effective in reducing caries progression and remineralizing initial carious lesions than one containing a fluorine compound alone.
Authors and Affiliations
Leopold Wagner
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