Суспільна корисність кримінально-правових норм


У статті доведено, що під час характеристики соціальної обумовленості кримінально-правових норм слід мовити про їх суспільну корисність, а коли йдеться про криміналізацію – про суспільну небезпеку відповідних діянь чи ступінь такої небезпеки. Автором обґрунтовано, що безвинне заподіяння шкоди (випадок, казус), а також її спричинення особами, які не мають усіх ознак суб’єкта злочину (малолітніми чи неосудними) є суспільно небезпечними, а не просто «небезпечними», як іноді стверджується в літературі. On the public utility of criminal-law rules can be seen even from the name of the species to which it belongs. Thus, the social utility of criminal law enforcement, obviously, is that they protect the respective public relations from dangerous encroachment; regulatory – that they regulate these social relationships, establish proper behavior for their members (entities); rules-definitions – in that they determine the content of certain criminal concepts; incentive – that they encourage a person to certain behavior, useful to society. Note, that academics, who turned in their studies to analyze issues of social protection of conditionality of criminal law, in circumstances such as conditionality (criminalization factor) is not called public utility, but rather a public danger, or the degree of public danger. We believe the issue is relevant only when spoken about the danger of acts of taking which prohibits certain rule. That is appropriate for criminalizing the act must be socially dangerous (to have a high enough degree of public danger). In the case address the problem of social conditioning (not criminalize) the situation should be viewed from two sides. For one, when exploring social conditioning criminalization of acts of a certain type, the output compared to the above also does not change. On the other hand, when it comes to social conditioning own criminal law (and not the act, responsibility for which it provided), then the social danger we talk about are not as rule can be "dangerous" itself. Very important is also the fact that the concept of "social dangerousness act" (or "degree of public danger of the act") can not characterize the social determination of criminal law of other species (not protected). Not even logical to try to find some kind of danger in regulatory, incentive norms and rules-definitions. That category of "social dangerousness" in relation to criminal law does not have a universal character. In contrast, the category of "public utility" has this ability, which is why it makes sense to use it in determining the social conditioning of criminal law (laws on criminal liability). So when it comes to social conditioning of criminal-law rules of all kinds, should talk to their public utility and when to criminalization – the social danger of relevant acts or extent of such danger. Public danger is objective, that is independent of the mind and will of the legislator. Last he can not judge the presence or absence of social danger of certain acts, and especially on whether it is sufficient to establish the degree of criminal legal prohibitions. The relative incidence of acts can not recognize an independent factor that determines the social conditioning of protection of criminal-law norms. It serves only as an indicator of public danger, operation of which, moreover, does not necessarily indicate its presence. Innocently harm (case, incident) and it cause a person who has no all the characteristics of the perpetrator (minor or insane) is socially dangerous, and not just "dangerous", as some claimed in the literature.

Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Олександрович Пащенко


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Олександр Олександрович Пащенко (2017). Суспільна корисність кримінально-правових норм. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 77(1), 71-81. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416586