Sustainability Reporting Practiceses In Energy Companies With Topsis Method

Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 71


Nowadays, the concept of sustainability appears in all branches of science and is used in every field. Sustainable growth, sustainable development, concepts of sustainable development began to place quite a lot in our daily lives. Environmental and social disasters that lead some companies, social media can spread quickly and public pressure on companies to create environmental destruction and social adversities to be responsive to consumers, businesses and observing their ways of doing business to intervene when necessarily enforced companies to be included in corporate sustainability activities. To support Turkey's sustainable development and renewable energy will play a key role in the transition to a low carbon economy. For this reason, energy companies of the manufacturing sector that provide the main entry and reporting their activities should become a leader in sustainability. In the implementation section of the study, TOPSIS method examined contribution to the sustainability of the energy companies based on the different criteria; in the light of this information above, Zorlu Energy in Turkey was determined as the most contributed company to sustainability.

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How To Cite

Engin ERGÜDEN, Esra ÇATLIOĞLU (2016). Sustainability Reporting Practiceses In Energy Companies With Topsis Method. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 18(71), 201-222.