Sustainable development of the Polish chemical industry – challenges and barriers
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 6
During the last decade, the situation of the European chemical industry, as well as of the Polish chemical industry, has changed markedly. The industry of the Old Continent has lost part of its share in the global market to Asian countries. Because the natural recourses have depleting character the balance is necessary between three basic pillars: economy, needs of social nature and natural environment. This article shows that the chemical industry supplies materials which enable sustainable development of communities. Article presents how the industry itself attaches great importance to sustainable development, and point out to the contribution of the chemical industry to sustainable development. One of the first branches of industry which adopted the approach of sustainable development was the chemical industry. On the initiative of the Canadian Producers Association, announced in the mid-1980s, the Responsible Care programme was charted. The European chemical industry, including the Polish chemical industry, is in relation to industries in other parts of the world, a low emission, energy efficient and safe industry. Paradoxically it now faces challenges, which may prove too difficult to meet even for an innovative industry. The threat lies mainly in the Union legislation, which instead of supporting sustainable development, forces an environment-centred approach.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Gietka, Wojciech Lubiewa-Wieleżyński
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