Świadczenie usług drogą elektroniczną i ochrona konsumenta w Sieci
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 15, Issue 2
The article addresses issues connected with entrepreneurs operating on the Internet. Firstly, it takes on compliance with the obligations arising from the Provision of Services by Electronic Means Act of 18 July 2002. Secondly, it tackles what follows from said issue, namely consumer protection in electronic transactions pursuant to the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014. The aforementioned provisions also constitute a transposition of European Union legislation into the Polish legal order. The authors indicate the manner in which the obligations of entrepreneurs (sellers, service suppliers) are juxtaposed with the rights of consumers (buyers, service recipients) on the Internet. As part of the protection afforded to buyers, the special nature of the Civil Code regulations on warranty and guarantee of quality in Internet commerce is also included herein.
Authors and Affiliations
Gabriela Bar, Wojciech Lamik
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