In the 30s of 19th century the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) national movement in the Austrian
Galicia was dominated by the dilemma of so called azbuchna vijna (Ukrainian „alphabet war”).
The dispute among the national activists...
The article deals with the influence of Polish literature on the creative work of Joseph Brodsky. The relation of Brodsky’s poetry to Polish sources is shown on different text levels: phonetic, lexical, metrical and inte...
EP ID EP646970
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How To Cite
Jerzy Kaliszan (1999). Synonimia słowotwórcza żeńskich nazw osobowych w językach polskim i rosyjskim. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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"Szkoła białoruska" w polskiej literaturze romantycznej
Stanowisko ks. Josyfa Łewyćkiego (1801-1860) w sporze o alfabet języka ruskiego (ukraińskiego) w Galicji w latach 30. i 40. XIX wieku*
In the 30s of 19th century the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) national movement in the Austrian Galicia was dominated by the dilemma of so called azbuchna vijna (Ukrainian „alphabet war”). The dispute among the national activists...
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The article deals with the influence of Polish literature on the creative work of Joseph Brodsky. The relation of Brodsky’s poetry to Polish sources is shown on different text levels: phonetic, lexical, metrical and inte...