This article is aimed at establishing the place of exoticisms against the spectrum of other loan words. We consider increased language and cultural contacts, intensified in recent years. Additionally, we focus on the typ...
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, ref...
Jerzy Kaliszan (1999). Synonimia słowotwórcza żeńskich nazw osobowych w językach polskim i rosyjskim. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Экзотизмы как особенная категория заимствований
This article is aimed at establishing the place of exoticisms against the spectrum of other loan words. We consider increased language and cultural contacts, intensified in recent years. Additionally, we focus on the typ...
Rosja w polskim filmie dokumentalnym na przykładzie projektu Rosja-Polska. Nowe spojrzenie
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, ref...
Праблемы беларускага рамантизму XIX стагоддзя ў кантэксце беларуска-польскага ўзаемнадзеяння
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