Synthesis of robotic transport control system as a discrete-event object.
Journal Title: Наукові праці Донецького Національного Технічного Університету серія: Електротехніка і Енергетика - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
An assembly workshop is observed, wherein robotic transport system is used. A workshop’s technological process consists of making up a set of parts in warehouse and their transportation to the assembly places (section 1), immediate assembly of the finished production (section 2), colouring of the production (section 3), packing and shipment of the finished production (section 4). Robotic transport system of the workshop consists of three line follower robots. The given system one can attribute to discrete-event class, i.e. dynamical systems whose behavior can be described using discrete sequence of events, that has to be coordinated (governed) by designed control system. For a description of dynamics of this class one can use synchronization graphs, in which positions represent individual states and transitions represent change of these states in discrete-continuous system, and Max-Plus algebra, with help of which one can create an mathematical description of discrete-continuous system, which is very similar to the usual method of system describing in state-space and is used to calculate time moments of transitions’ triggering. Gantt charts, which describe states of system in the time domain, were built based on synchronization graph’s simulation’s results, which showed robots’ collisions during transport work bet ween the sections of the assembly workshop and large workplaces’ downtime. A typical control structure of discrete-event object is obtained. A problem of the control synthesis is solved, which consists of finding feedback matrices with taking into account a given set of system’s forbidden states and given sequence of synchronization graph’s position markings. This behavior’s task of discrete-continuous system means, that it’s necessary to delay development of cyclic process in previous position by control, to rule out a possibility of reaching of the forbidden system’s state in appropriate time moment. An equitation in the state-space form of the closed system is found. Feedback matrices’ coefficients are calculated. Control algorithm and logical conditions synchronization graph’s positions marking are formulated. Simulation of the resulting control system is obtained, the results are analyzed. They are showing, that control system works correctly: it prevents robots’ collisions and reduces workplaces’ downtime.
Authors and Affiliations
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