Tabu w moich filmach - historia przełamywania zakazów w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej w okresie ostatnich trzydziestu lat
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2012, Vol 4, Issue 34
Authors and Affiliations
Konrad Szołajski
Konrad Szołajski
Celebryci, celebrytki - wprowadzenie
Wprowadzenie do numeru<br/><br/>
Transmediality in Italy in the Fascist Era: Soundscape and Transmedia Resonances
Italy in the Thirties is the focus of a complex system of media convergence, in which the sound plays a leading role. Between 1924 (the year in which the national radio broadcasting was established in Italy) and 1930 (wh...
Mięso. Wstęp
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 1 (51) / 2017, Between History and Popular Culture
Smutek instagramowych celebrytów
The article focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon of the Sad Boy Theory that developed in 2017 on the Instagram website. The author points out the sources of this concept, by introducing Audrey Wollen and discussing...