Transmediality in Italy in the Fascist Era: Soundscape and Transmedia Resonances
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 47
Italy in the Thirties is the focus of a complex system of media convergence, in which the sound plays a leading role. Between 1924 (the year in which the national radio broadcasting was established in Italy) and 1930 (when moviegoers could watch the first Italian talkies), Italian media developed a rich network of connections: economic, technological, aesthetic etc. This consists however not only of textual synergies and business relationships, in part already investigated; it also gives rise to a specific dimension that, albeit for a limited period of time, also changes the texture of the sound itself (mechanical and recorded as really perceived at that time), and its relationship with the image and the real world, making it the place of a marked transmediality. The distinguishing and typically Italian features of this phenomenon (heirs of a particular cultural background, starting from Futurism and going to Fascism) push to talk about a sort of sonorizzazione del mondo, a season in which a particular soundtrack is added to the world. This new experience of sound (and through it of the various media), modern in itself, has in cinema one of the key players and also one of the places where it’s possible to reconstruct this ‘transmedia resonance’: at the same time a soundscape, sound environment in which (Italian) people are surrounded and a paysage sonore, an acoustic artifact constructed by the media for the modern man.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Paola Valentini
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