The article focuses on the influence which shockers - rebels and scandalizers - wield on the fate of the world. It unveils some universal receptivity mechanisms corresponding to activities taken by radicals, whose uncomp...
In recent years, linguistic studies have laid great emphasis on the semantic side of linguistic expressions. The subject of this paper is an attempt to introduce the term of “circular motion” in common verb patterns and...
Paweł Pietnoczka (2004). "Tematy polsko-ukraińskie. Historia Literatura Edukacja", pod red. Roberta Traby, Olsztyn 2001. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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The article focuses on the influence which shockers - rebels and scandalizers - wield on the fate of the world. It unveils some universal receptivity mechanisms corresponding to activities taken by radicals, whose uncomp...
Польско-русскaя компаративистика в трудах профессора Базылия Бялокозовича : некоторые аспекты изучения
Czasownik a wyrażenie przyimkowe w konstrukcjach ablatywnych : (na materiale języka polskiego i rosyjskiego)
Концептуализация вращательного движения в русском и польском языках
In recent years, linguistic studies have laid great emphasis on the semantic side of linguistic expressions. The subject of this paper is an attempt to introduce the term of “circular motion” in common verb patterns and...
Польско-российский литературный семинар. Варшава-Хлевиска, 13-16 марта 2002 г, Союз польских литераторов. Российский Центр науки и культуры в Варшаве. Институт Адама Мицкевича, Варшава 2002, с. 123.