Testing some answers regarding the process of "unitarization" of the military forces during the 1820s

Journal Title: Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 12


In this article I attempt to make some hypotheses to understand the process of "unitarization" of a very important sector of the military forces during the 1820s. They are based on the premise that the "unitarios" as a political organization were born lacking ties with armed men. For this reason and because of the difficulty for them to last in a complex and volatile social political context, it is significant to analyze the affinities between the civil group that led the "unitarios" faction and certain broad sectors of the military forces. I intend to answer the following questions: how and why the “unitarios” and the military came into contact with each other and began to converge on the same political space? What reasons could have attracted the second to collaborate with the first? I believe that to a large extent the key to these questions must be sought in the process of politicization of the Republican army who was fighting in the “Banda Oriental” against the Empire of Brazil between 1825 and 1828.

Authors and Affiliations

Ignacio Zubizarreta


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How To Cite

Ignacio Zubizarreta (2015). Testing some answers regarding the process of "unitarization" of the military forces during the 1820s. Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales, 7(12), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-35681