The legal framework for establishing the interest for bank loans represents the bank lending contracts under which there are mentioned the contracting parties, the loan value, credit price, the rates term of payment of t...
Globalization concepts and legal instruments appears as an objective necessity, given the universality of a matter that ignores borders and business law plays major role in globalization, allowing establishing ...
The model of pyramid, invented by the ancient Egyptians was used by mankind in different ways, during the time. In our research we try to underline the link between some pyramidal schemes: that means our resear...
EP ID EP89385
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Cristina Balaceanu, Diana Tudor (2013). The Actions of the IMF in Dealing With Macroeconomic Imbalances . Dezbateri social economice, 3(1),
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An Analysis of the Capital Structure for Companies Listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange
The issue of interest rates on foreign currency loans.A case study
The legal framework for establishing the interest for bank loans represents the bank lending contracts under which there are mentioned the contracting parties, the loan value, credit price, the rates term of payment of t...
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Globalization concepts and legal instruments appears as an objective necessity, given the universality of a matter that ignores borders and business law plays major role in globalization, allowing establishing ...
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The model of pyramid, invented by the ancient Egyptians was used by mankind in different ways, during the time. In our research we try to underline the link between some pyramidal schemes: that means our resear...