The analysis of total serum IgE, Phadiatop and fx5 testsin chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps
Journal Title: Alergoprofil - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 3
The purpose of the study: 1. To compare levels of total serum IgE of chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps and healthy volunteers. 2. To estimate percentage of nasal polyposis patients with positive Phadiatop and fx5 tests. 3. To determine if the presence of IgE-dependent allergy has an influence on the clinical picture of nasal polyposis. Material: 67 patients with nasal polyps and 36 healthy volunteers (control group - Z) were included into the study. Patients with nasal polyps were divided into three groups: PP - primary polyps (without lower airways diseases), n=33; A - polyps and bronchial asthma (without aspirin sensitivity), n=19; ASA - polyps and aspirin sensitive asthma, n=15. Methods: In all subjects concentration of total serum IgE, using Pharmacia CAP System IgE FEIA was measured. In patients with nasal polyps Phadiatop test (screening test for diagnosing inhalant allergy) and fx5 test (screening test for diagnosing food allergy), using Pharmacia CAP System Phadiatop FEIA and Pharmacia CAP System fx5 were performed. The correlation analysis between some features of clinical picture of nasal polyps and atopy coexistence were performed. Results: Median value of total serum IgE concentrations in nasal polyps was 79,1 kU/l (value range from 4,11 to 2000 kU/l); in PP group – 77,0 kU/l, in A group – 96,8 kU/l; in ASA group – 66,6 kU/l and in control group (healthy volunteers) – 39,0 kU/l (range: 14,0–120 kU/l). 30.3% cases of patients with nasal polyps had the total serum IgE concentration higher than 150 kU/l, but we did not find any statistical differences between all studied groups (PP, A, ASA and control group). Although we noticed some tendency to occur a bit higher values of total Ig-E among patients with nasal polyps, comparing to healthy subjects. The positive results of Phadiatop test in patients with nasal polyps were noted in 28% cases and positive fx5 test in 10% of nasal polyposis patients. We did not find any differences between nasal polyps groups in the results of Phadiatop test (p=0,29) and fx5 test (p=0,19). History taking of the nasal polyp patients indicated atopy only in 10,5% of cases. We did not find any correlation between the coexistence of atopy and number of recurrences of nasal polyps, the duration of nasal polyps and the age of onset of nasal polyps. Conclusions: Although we found elevated values of total serum IgE in some patients with nasal polyps as well as positive results of Phadiatop and fx5 tests, IgE-dependent allergy only seems to coexist in some cases with nasal polyps. The latest epidemiological data indicate that allergic diseases affect 16–45% of population in European countries. So that is the next evidence that atopy in nasal polyps patients is similarly often to normal population. In the studied group of nasal polyps patients, allergy has no influence on clinical picture of nasal polyposis.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Arcimowicz , Bolesław K. Samoliński , Kazimierz Niemczyk
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