The Application of Benchmarking as an Instrument Introducing Innovative Processes in an Enterprise


In this article, the theoretical appearance of the economic nature of benchmarking and, reasonably, of its role, are investigational in the innovative development of an enterprise. The essence and features of the use of benchmarking are considered marketing instruments for the search of innovation. This article finds that the realization of benchmarking provides the receipt of unique competitive edges and the successful functioning of an enterprise in a long-term prospect. The various types of benchmarking are consider and their basic constituents are grouped separately. It is well proven that benchmarking is effective enough and widespread in foreign practice that it may stimulate innovative development of the enterprise on the grounds of the idea of steady development.

Authors and Affiliations

Інна Олексіївна Доценко Інна Олексіївна Доценко


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How To Cite

Інна Олексіївна Доценко Інна Олексіївна Доценко (2016). The Application of Benchmarking as an Instrument Introducing Innovative Processes in an Enterprise. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 10(), 21-27.