The Artistic Representation of Feminine and Masculine Corporality in Modern Ukrainian Novels
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7
In the article the ways of artistic modeling of the feminine and masculine corporality in the Ukrainian novels of the beginning of the XXI century are investigated. The main strategies of the artistic representation of human corporality are identified. These are the game constructing of the body-performance and the resumption of the mythological image of body-microcosm. It’s proved that the artistic reception of the feminine body saves the link with the classical literary tradition (body as an aesthetic object). Masculine corporality needs an aesthetic «re-discovery»; this peculiarity is explained by the identification of masculinity with the common-human norm in patriarchal tradition which was dominant for a long time. The effective artistic strategies of rehabilitation of masculine corporality are investigated.
Authors and Affiliations
Ольга Башкирова
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